Discover luxury and comfort with Givili sheets, a brand inspired by Danish traditions and values. The founder of the brand brought not only experiences and experiences from her several-year stay in Denmark, but also a clear idea of ​​how she wants to live: "I wanted to surround myself with quality, simple and timeless design and sustainable materials." This is how Givili was born, a bed linen brand that prioritizes quality, design and production that is friendly to nature and employees. We are now proud to introduce Givili sheets to our range. We are fascinated by the brand's story and its commitment to sustainability. Join us and support brands that strive for a better future for our planet, like Givili.

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Product category
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Flannel beddingFlannel bedding
Flannel bedding Sale priceFrom €141,95
Flannel sheet with rubberFlannel sheet with rubber
Flannel sheet with rubber Sale priceFrom €68,95
Satin sheet with elastic Sale priceFrom €63,95
Satin pillowcase Sale priceFrom €26,95
Satin sheets Sale priceFrom €136,95



GIVILI is a Czech bedding textile brand whose origins are firmly rooted in the personal experiences of its founder Petra Čuřinová. During several years spent in Denmark, the founder of the brand discovered the values ​​that became the basis of her life: quality, simple and timeless design, and sustainable materials.

All GIVILI products are certified according to GOTS (The Global Organic Textile Standard), which is one of the strictest certifications for organic textile fiber products.

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Najít takové povlečení, které by odpovídalo mým požadavkům a na které jsem byla v zahraničí zvyklá, bylo nemožné. A právě to byl počátek GIVILI.

Petra Čuřínová, zakladatelka

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