
Vybrané produkty, které máme u nás na skladě a odesíláme do 24 hodin. Nemusíme mít však všechny varianty, konkrétní dostupnost zjistíte vždy po výběru varianty na produktové stránce.


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Space of Space
Astro multifunctional tray Sale priceFrom €22,95
Magnetic knife holder Wall RackMagnetic knife holder Wall Rack
Space of Space
Saturn 04 pencil stand Sale price€33,95
Gift Voucher
Gift Voucher Sale priceFrom €48,97
Sold out
Sicilian Summer diffuser
Sold out
Woods of Kyushu air freshener
Space of Space
Saturn 02 binder Sale price€146,95
Sold out
Wood of Kyushu diffuser
Sold out
Santorini Breeze diffuser
Santal Bombay diffuser
Santal Bombay diffuser Sale price€48,95
Sicilian Summer air freshener
It's OK posterIt's OK poster
It's OK poster Sale priceFrom €73,95
Spheres posterSpheres poster
Spheres poster Sale priceFrom €73,95
Alive posterAlive poster
Alive poster Sale priceFrom €73,95
Sold out
Relaxing Perseus pillow spray
Santal Bombay Air Freshener
#materiál_dub#materiál_americký ořech
Prkénko Vlajka Sale priceFrom €151,95



Vyberte si z produktů, které máme skladem a odesíláme je následující pracovní den. Množství je většinou limitované, proto s nákupem neváhejte. Jen dejte prosím pozor na výběr varianty – ne každá je dostupná ihned.

News from our blog

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InspiraceMinimalistický stůl do exteriéru z recyklovaného plastu

Minimalist outdoor table made of recycled plastic

The task was to find a minimalist table that would last outdoors and not need renovation after the first winter. We went through the offers of different brands from top to bottom, but none caught o...

NovinkyDřevěné doplňky UBRD nově na Neatlane

UBRD wooden accessories new to Neatlane

We are constantly expanding our offer with new brands whose products belong to the top of product design. And the latest news is the UBRD brand . The brand was founded in 2019 by friends Vojtěch H...

Jak funguje náš sklad a expedice

How our warehouse and shipping works

Most products are made to order , so it is not possible to keep them in stock. Exceptions are products in the Storage category. We actually have these physically in our warehouse and we ship them w...